Carbon Tax Rebate 2024, Amount, Cheque, and Payment Dates

The Canadian government offers the Carbon Tax Rebate (formerly called the Climate Action Incentive payment) to help offset the cost of carbon pricing. Here’s what you need to know about receiving your rebate in 2024.

Carbon Tax Rebate Payment Dates 2024 Schedule

The Carbon Tax Rebate is distributed four times a year:

  • January 15th
  • April 15th
  • July 15th
  • October 15th

If a payment date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the payment will be made on the next business day.

Important Note: To receive the Carbon Tax Rebate payments in 2024, you must have filed your 2023 tax return by March 15, 2024.

Carbon Tax Rebate

Cheque vs. Direct Deposit

  • Direct Deposit: If you receive your tax refund by direct deposit, you will also receive your Carbon Tax Rebate by direct deposit. The payment will likely be labelled as “Canada Carbon Rebate” (previously “Climate Action Incentive”).
  • Cheque: If you don’t have direct deposit set up, you will receive your rebate by cheque mailed to your address on file with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

It can take up to 10 business days for a cheque to arrive after the payment date.

How Much You Can Receive

The amount you receive depends on several factors, including:

  • Province of residence: Provinces with a carbon price set by the federal government have a higher rebate amount.
  • Family size: Larger families typically receive a higher rebate.
ProvinceIndividualCouple  per child under 19first child in a single-parent family
Saskatchewan $680$340$170$340
 Nova Scotia $124$62$31$62
New Brunswick$92$46$23$46
 Newfoundland and Labrador $164$82$41$82
Prince Edward Island$120$60$30$60

Use the Canada Revenue Agency’s online calculator to estimate your rebate amount:

Canada FPT Deposit Payment Dates 2024: Who is Eligible & How to Apply?

ODSP Payment Dates 2024: Increase, Amount & Application

CCB Payment Dates 2024 Benefit, Eligibility & Amount

Canada Child Benefit Extra Payment 2024: Who is Eligible for CCB Extra Payment?

CPP Payment Dates 2024, Increase, Disability Benefit, CPP Amount & Limit

Didn’t Get Your Cheque?

If you haven’t received your cheque by 10 business days after the payment date, there are a few possibilities:

  • Tax return not processed: If you haven’t filed your 2023 tax return or it’s still being processed, you won’t receive your rebate until it’s complete.
  • Incorrect mailing address: Double-check that your mailing address on file with the CRA is accurate.
  • Lost in mail: Contact the CRA if you believe your cheque may be lost in the mail.

Here are some helpful resources:

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