Ontario G1 Practice Test 3

Ontario G1 Practice Test 3

Ontario G1 Practice Test 3

A. To keep you in your seat
B. To improve fuel efficiency
C. To prevent injuries in a crash

A. Brake hard
B. Steer straight and let the vehicle slow down
C. Accelerate

A. Left arm extended horizontally
B. Right arm extended horizontally
C. No signal needed

A. To greet friends
B. To alert other drivers of your presence
C. All the time

A. To indicate where schools are located
B. To slow down and watch for children
C. To increase speed

A. Use high beams
B. Use low beams
C. Turn off your lights

A. Speed up
B. Stop and look for trains
C. Proceed without stopping

A. In front of a fire hydrant
B. In a parking lot
C. At a mall

A. Reverse back to the exit
B. Continue to the next exit
C. Stop and think

A. Bicycles must stop
B. Bicycles have the right of way
C. Bicycles are not allowed

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About Sophie Wilson 1069 Articles
Sophie Wilson is a finance professional with a strong academic background, having studied at the University of Toronto. Her expertise in finance is complemented by a solid foundation in analytical and strategic thinking, making her a valuable asset in the financial sector.

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