The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly financial assistance to millions of Americans in need of healthy food. The exact payment date depends on your state and other factors, but many recipients will see their benefits arrive this week.
Table of Contents
Why It Matters
Over 40 million Americans rely on SNAP to purchase groceries each month. To qualify, individuals and families must meet specific income requirements based on household size.
SNAP Payment Schedule by State
If you receive SNAP benefits, check the schedule below to see when your payment will arrive this week.
Payments are based on the last two digits of the case number:
- 00-04: February 4
- 05-09: February 5
- 10-14: February 6
- 15-19: February 7
Payments are distributed based on the first letter of the recipient’s last name:
- A-B: February 1
- C-D: February 2
- E-F: February 3
- G-H: February 4
- I-J: February 5
- K-L: February 6
- M-N: February 7
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Payments are based on Social Security numbers:
- Ends in 0-1: February 4
- Ends in 2-3: February 5
Payments are based on case numbers:
- Ends in 1: February 1
- Ends in 2: February 2
- Ends in 3: February 3
- Ends in 4: February 4
- Ends in 5: February 5
- Ends in 6: February 6
- Ends in 7: February 7
Payments are distributed based on Social Security numbers:
- Ends in 1: February 1
- Ends in 2: February 2
- Ends in 3: February 3
- Ends in 4: February 4
- Ends in 5: February 5
- Ends in 6: February 6
- Ends in 7: February 7
Payments are based on the first letter of the last name:
- A-F: February 1
- G-N: February 2
- O-Z: February 3
Payments are based on the first letter of the last name:
- A: February 2
- B: February 3
- C: February 4
- D: February 5
- E: February 6
- F: February 7
Payments are based on the 9th and 8th digit of the case number:
- 00-03: February 1
- 04-06: February 2
- 07-10: February 3
- 11-13: February 4
- 14-17: February 5
- 18-20: February 6
- 21-24: February 7
Payments are based on ID numbers:
- Ends in 00-09: February 5
- Ends in 10-19: February 7
Payments are based on the first letter of the last name:
- A-I: February 3
- J-Z: February 5
Payments are based on birth year:
- Ends in 1: February 1
- Ends in 2: February 2
- Ends in 3: February 3
- Ends in 4: February 4
- Ends in 5: February 5
- Ends in 6: February 6
- Ends in 7: February 7
Payments are distributed from the 1st to the 10th of the month based on the recipient’s Head of Household Individual ID number.
Payments are based on the first letter of the last name:
- A-B: February 5
- C-D: February 7
Payments are based on the first letter of the last name:
- A-B: February 1
- C-D: February 2
- E-G: February 3
- H-I: February 4
- J-L: February 5
- M-O: February 6
- P-R: February 7
Payments follow the same system as Iowa:
- A-B: February 1
- C-D: February 2
- E-G: February 3
- H-J: February 4
- K-L: February 5
- M: February 6
- N-R: February 7
Payments are based on case numbers:
- Ends in 0: February 1
- Ends in 1: February 3
- Ends in 2: February 5
- Ends in 3: February 7
Payments are based on Social Security numbers:
- Ends in 0: February 5
- Ends in 1: February 7
Payments are based on the first three letters of the last name:
- AAA-BAO: February 4
- BAP-BQZ: February 5
- BRA-CAQ: February 6
- CAR-COQ: February 7
Payments are based on Social Security numbers:
- Ends in 0: February 1
- Ends in 1: February 2
- Ends in 2: February 4
- Ends in 3: February 5
- Ends in 4: February 7
Payments are based on recipient ID numbers:
- Ends in 0: February 3
- Ends in 1: February 5
- Ends in 2: February 7
Payments are based on case numbers:
- Ends in 4: February 4
- Ends in 5: February 5
- Ends in 6: February 6
- Ends in 7: February 7
Payments are based on case numbers:
- 00-04: February 4
- 05-10: February 5
- 11-16: February 6
- 17-22: February 7
Payments are based on birth month and last name:
- January (A-K): February 1
- January (L-Z): February 2
- February (A-K): February 3
- February (L-Z): February 4
- March (A-K): February 5
- March (L-Z): February 6
- April (A-Z): February 7
- TEAMS case # ending in 0 or 1: February 2
- TEAMS case # ending in 2 or 3: February 3
- TEAMS case # ending in 4 or 5: February 4
- TEAMS case # ending in 6 or 7: February 5
- TEAMS case # ending in 8 or 9: February 6
- SSN ending in 1 or 2: February 1
- SSN ending in 3 or 4: February 2
- SSN ending in 5 or 6: February 3
- SSN ending in 7 or 8: February 4
- SSN ending in 9 or 0: February 5
- Birth year ending in 1: February 1
- Birth year ending in 2: February 2
- Birth year ending in 3: February 3
- Birth year ending in 4: February 4
- Birth year ending in 5: February 5
- Birth year ending in 6: February 6
- Birth year ending in 7: February 7
New Jersey
- Case # ending in 1 or 2: February 1
- Case # ending in 3 or 4: February 2
- Case # ending in 5 or 6: February 3
- Case # ending in 7 or 8: February 4
- Case # ending in 9 or 0: February 5
New Mexico
- SSN ending in 11, 31, 51, 71, 91: February 1
- SSN ending in 01, 21, 41, 61, 81: February 2
- SSN ending in 12, 32, 52, 72, 92: February 3
- SSN ending in 02, 22, 42, 62, 82: February 4
- SSN ending in 13, 33, 53, 73, 93: February 5
- SSN ending in 03, 23, 43, 63, 83: February 6
- SSN ending in 14, 34, 54, 74, 94: February 7
New York
- Case # ending in 0 or 1: February 1
- Case # ending in 2: February 2
- Case # ending in 3: February 3
- Case # ending in 4: February 4
- Case # ending in 5: February 5
- Case # ending in 6: February 6
- Case # ending in 7: February 7
North Carolina
- SSN ending in 1: February 3
- SSN ending in 2: February 5
- SSN ending in 3: February 7
- Case # ending in 0: February 2
- Case # ending in 1: February 4
- Case # ending in 2: February 6
- Case # ending in 0-3: February 1
- Case # ending in 4-6: February 5
- SSN ending in 0 or 1: February 1
- SSN ending in 2: February 2
- SSN ending in 3: February 3
- SSN ending in 4: February 4
- SSN ending in 5: February 5
- SSN ending in 6: February 6
- SSN ending in 7: February 7
- Payments are sent out between February 1 and February 10 based on county-specific schedules
South Carolina
- SNAP case # ending in 1: February 1
- SNAP case # ending in 2: February 2
- SNAP case # ending in 3: February 3
- SNAP case # ending in 4: February 4
- SNAP case # ending in 5: February 5
- SNAP case # ending in 6: February 6
- SNAP case # ending in 7: February 7
- SSN ending in 00-04: February 1
- SSN ending in 05-09: February 2
- SSN ending in 10-14: February 3
- SSN ending in 15-19: February 4
- SSN ending in 20-24: February 5
- SSN ending in 25-29: February 6
- SSN ending in 30-34: February 7
- Last name starting with A-G: February 5
- Other letters receive payments later in the month
- FS case # ending in 0-3: February 1
- FS case # ending in 4-5: February 4
- FS case # ending in 6-9: February 7
- Payments are issued between February 1 and February 20
West Virginia
- Last name starting with B, X, Y, or Z: February 1
- Last name starting with C or F: February 2
- Last name starting with H, N, or V: February 3
- Last name starting with I, M, O, or U: February 4
- Last name starting with Q or S: February 5
- Last name starting with A or W: February 6
- Last name starting with J, K, or P: February 7
- 8th digit of SSN is 0: February 2
- 8th digit of SSN is 1: February 3
- 8th digit of SSN is 2: February 5
- 8th digit of SSN is 3: February 6
- Last name starting with A-D: February 1
- Last name starting with E-K: February 2
- Last name starting with L-R: February 3
- Last name starting with S-Z: February 4
States Where All SNAP Benefits Are Sent on February 1
- Alaska
- North Dakota
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
Other States with Set Payment Dates
- New Hampshire: February 5
- South Dakota: February 10
What’s Next?
The states not listed send out SNAP benefits later in the month, so recipients will have to wait at least a week for their next payment. Additionally, starting in January, the maximum SNAP benefit increased to $292 per month for individuals and $973 for a household of four.
If you didn’t see your state listed, check your state’s SNAP website for exact dates.
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